среда, 29. мај 2013.

How to ad Ad Sense into a drupal website thorugh module

Drupal is a great CMS, one of the best if you ask me. If you take your time to learn it, the possibilities could be endless, especially if you use modules to upgrade your website to a next level. One of those upgrades will could actually bring you money, and of course I am talking about Google's Ad Sense.

Now that you've started using drupal (or maybe you have been using it for a while, just haven't used Ad Sense) there is a really easy way to put Google's Ad Sense into your website and start making money ( I will go into details of what you need to start making money).

I've used it on my website for months and here is what it looks like:

First make sure that you have Drupal 7 (that's the latest as of now) and that you have all permissions necessary to install any additional modles.

Next step is:

Go to https://drupal.org/project/adsense and download module

Go into your drupal website and click MODULES > INSTALL NEW MODULE  and then either past the link that you've copied from the page or click browse to locate the file that you've downloaded.

Next go to your modules page and enable ADSENSE module
drupal adsense, drupal ad sense, Drupal, Ad Sense, Google Ad Sense, How to put adsense into drupal
Ad Sense Module - view from Drupal menu 
If you want it really fast on your website without much thinking, just click on two things from the picture and you are good to go.

Next you need to configure the ads so they show on your website.
Go to configuration of AdSense core (you can see it on the right of the first picture) and make sure to enter publisher ID
which starts with PUB- (you can find this number in google adsense account settings page) and enter the whole number together with pub-......................
look at the picture below to get the idea of how to finish this step

drupal adsense publisher id, publisher id instructions
After you've done that you are pretty much set to go, except that you need to enter the ad that you want to use on your site.

Go to Admin>Structure>Blocks
find Google ad and click configure (it could be Google Ad 1 , or Google AD, just find a Google Block )
The last thing you need to do is to put the block where you want it to show on your website, and to input Ad Slot ID - which is ID from Google Ad Sense

After all of that is done you should see a block on your website with empty field (which you as an admin shouldn't see).

Any other questions? Feel free to ask.